2b AHEAD VENTURES is the company builder of 2b AHEAD Think Tank, Europe's largest future institute. We identify disruptive technologies of the future; build networks with new technology developers at an early stage and use this head start to design targeted startups that we are convinced have the potential to change industries profoundly.
As a co-founder, initial investor and mentor, we help scientists and startup founders in Germany and around the world to transform the basic future technologies into lucrative companies with our special company building methodology
As a fund manager, we offer investors and family offices the opportunity to invest in future technologies at the earliest possible point in time and (assisted by the analyzes of scientific futures research) to benefit from the valuable early stage phases of startup development.
2.Als Fondsmanager bieten wir Investoren und Family Offices die Möglichkeit, zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Zukunftstechnologien zu investieren und (assistiert durch die Analysen der wissenschaftlichen Zukunftsforschung) an den werthaltigen Early Stage Phasen der Startup-Entwicklung zu profitieren.​
Wir arbeiten dabei in drei Bereichen

Henrik Kampmann,
Chief Executive Officer
For us as a company in the technical building equipment and construction industry, startups offer the opportunity to penetrate areas to which we would not have access so quickly. With 2b AHEAD Ventures we always find the right form of cooperation. Sometimes it is the financial participation, sometimes we are test partners for the corresponding product or we actively transfer expert knowledge back and forth. The portfolio of young companies that 2b AHEAD Ventures offers is definitely always exciting.

Prof. Leonhard Zintl,
Volksbank Mittweida eG
2b AHEAD Ventures is a competent partner with whom we have already implemented future projects. Together we benefit from a valuable network in which we promote mutual exchange.
As a regional bank, we can learn new things from startups, new business areas and digital advances, and in return we are happy to contribute our expertise from the financial sector.
The cooperative factor also counts here: together you start off strong into the future.#tomorrowcancome.

Stefan Beckers,
Chief Executive Officer
ABS Safety GmbH
2b AHEAD Ventures gives us the opportunity to align our business models in a future-proof manner. We can contribute our own ideas and are always inspired, for example on a joint trip to Silicon Valley. We look forward to many more successful joint foundations
Wir sind Teil von 30 Unternehmen in der 2b AHEAD Group

Together with 2b AHEAD Think Tank, Europe´s largest future research institute, we analyze which technologies will be valuable in the future and establish direct contact with the technology developers. We use this lead to let our customers, founders and investors, participate in the rapid advancement of technology. As a company builder, we develop targeted concepts for disruptive business models, set up founding teams and set up startups that are fundamentally changing the industry. We work in three areas: