2b AHEAD Ventures
To the investment area of Europes largest, independent future research institute "2b AHEAD“ also includes two investment funds: The “2b AHEAD Ventures Fonds 01” and the “2b AHEAD Ventures Fonds 02”. Both funds are early stage funds. We like to be involved as initial investors in the founding phase of start-ups and also invest in the pre-seed and seed phases. We do not invest later stage and not in listed companies.
Both funds have their focus on those future technologies and future business models that have been forecast in our scientific future studies for more than 20 years. These include: DeepTech, AI/ML, Robotics, Metaverse, FinTech, Foodtech, Agritech, Biotech, Selfdriving, Health, Genetics. Our investments are in Germany and internationally:
Germany:In Germany we invest in those start-ups that are continuously founded in our own 2b AHEAD Ventures Company Builder.
International:Internationally, we invest in deep tech start-ups in fast-growing technology fields that develop basic technology with far-reaching application possibilities. We often find the technology teams at the leading technology universities (Berkeley, Sussex, Tel Aviv, Stanford, Weizman Institute, among others), help them with the spin-off and become initial investors.
With the two funds, we give customers and friends of 2b AHEAD the opportunity to participate in our work through an investment. The funds are not aimed at small investors, but exclusively at professional and semi-professional investors. They will not be sold at a distance. Only Family and Friends are personally informed about the fund and can participate.
These are investments in start-ups in their early financing rounds. These are high-risk investments. A total loss of the invested capital cannot be ruled out.
Both funds are managed by 2b AHEAD Ventures GmbH. We make around 10 initial investments and selected follow-up investments each year. Fund managers are Stefan Jenzowsky and Sven Gabor Janszky. Stefan Jenzowsky has more than 20 years of expertise in setting up, managing and investing in start-ups, first within Siemens AG and since 2017 at 2b AHEAD Ventures. Sven Gabor Janszky founded the future research institute 2b AHEAD 20 years ago and expanded it into a group of companies with 27 individual companies.
Our investments

Our funds
2b AHEAD Ventures fund 01
The 2b AHEAD Ventures Fund 01 was founded in 2020. It has a volume of EUR 2.2 million and was fully invested by summer 2022. He has invested in 12 German and 5 international startups, including: Universal Quantum (UK), X-Therma (US), Egg'n'Up (ISR), GeneNeer (ISR), Looft (USA), Wechselgott (D), APO Pharma Immun (D), Kopernikus Automotive (D), Mana Farms (D). The fund is currently in its planned growth phase, which will last until the end of 2026
2b AHEAD Ventures Fund 02
The 2b AHEAD Ventures Fund was founded in 2022. It will have a volume of EUR 10 million and is currently in its investment phase. The fund has a term until the end of 2028.
For more information about our fund and a possible investment, please contact Sindy Hälke atsindy@2bahead-ventures.com