2b AHEAD Ventures works as a company builder in the pre-seed and seed phase. We act as an external innovation laboratory for companies. We specifically set up startup labs for our customer companies

2b AHEAD Ventures works as an early-stage company builder in the pre-seed and seed phase. The corporate customers of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank use 2b AHEAD Ventures as an external innovation laboratory. With the expertise of 2b AHEAD, companies incubate their own future models. Selected customers also have the opportunity to set up their own digital labs in a joint venture with 2b AHEAD Ventures. In this way you build up modern innovation management for disruptive times.
The services of 2b AHEAD Ventures are both the in-house development of startups and the later sale to corporate customers or VC investors, as well as the joint implementation of innovative business ideas with corporate customers right from the start.
With the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank and 2b AHEAD Ventures, you have strong partners at your side in the development of disruptive, data-driven business models of the future. We would be happy to create an individual offer for you. We look forward to your inquiry Sindy Haelke.
Sie erhalten das Höchstmaß an individueller Betreuung, durch regelmäßige Updates auf Managementebene, individuelle Workshops (z.B. Ideationworkshop, Patentworkshop, Wissenstransfer zu ihren Mitarbeitern) sowie die Handynummern aller im Projekt beschäftigten Venture Manager für eine ständige Erreichbarkeit.
Sie erhalten die höchste Qualität an Startup-Konzepten, weil die Geschäftsmodelle der Startups direkt aus den Zukunftsstudien des 2b AHEAD Instituts abgeleitet werden und die Startups durch 2b AHEAD Venture Manager eng geführt werden.
Sie sparen Ressourcen, weil Sie die komplette Arbeit an den Startups an unsere Venture Manager auslagern und nur wenige Steerings Committee Meetings zur Steuerung des Projektes besetzen müssen.
Sie können Ihr Investment binnen 2 Jahren bis zu verzehnfachen, weil mit unserem Modell unsere Kunden bereits ab der Gründung an der Wertsteigerung des Startups teilnehmen. In dieser ersten Phase, von der Gründung über die Seed-Runde bis zur A-Runde, ist die Wertsteigerung regelmäßig am größten.
Was machen wir, was andere nicht können?
For our customers we offer the model of their own Future Labs at 2b AHEAD Ventures on. For a fixed amount of EUR 360,000, the client company will have its own future lab at 2b AHEAD Ventures. We establish a continuous innovation process for disruptive business model ideas. Annually arise here two to three new startups in which you are involved. In addition, we enable the transfer of knowledge to the client company.

Henrik Kampmann,
Chief Executive Officer
For us as a company in the technical building equipment and construction industry, startups offer the opportunity to penetrate areas to which we would not have access so quickly. With 2b AHEAD Ventures we always find the right form of cooperation. Sometimes it is the financial participation, sometimes we are test partners for the corresponding product or we actively transfer expert knowledge back and forth. The portfolio of young companies that 2b AHEAD Ventures offers is definitely always exciting.

Prof. Leonhard Zintl,
Volksbank Mittweida eG
2b AHEAD Ventures is a competent partner with whom we have already implemented future projects. Together we benefit from a valuable network in which we promote mutual exchange.
As a regional bank, we can learn new things from startups, new business areas and digital advances, and in return we are happy to contribute our expertise from the financial sector.
The cooperative factor also counts here: together you start off strong into the future.#tomorrowcancome.

Stefan Beckers,
Chief Executive Officer
ABS Safety GmbH
2b AHEAD Ventures gives us the opportunity to align our business models in a future-proof manner. We can contribute our own ideas and are always inspired, for example on a joint trip to Silicon Valley. We look forward to many more successful joint foundations
Utilize continuous innovations besides your core business!